Hiking the Grand Canyon from the North rim to the South rim -- 23.5 miles with a 5841' descent and a 4460' ascent. This is a hike with a purpose -- raising funds and awareness for ministry.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

God's Patience with the city

The city of Nineveh plays an small but interesting role in the Bible.  Before we talk about Nineveh in the Bible, it is important to understand the role of Nineveh in history.  Part of its importance came from its location.  It was built at the juncture of two rivers, the Tigris and the Khosr.  It was on the trade route that connected the East to the West, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.  Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrians. 
This is where the city of Nineveh connects with the Bible.  Two books of the Bible are highly dedicated to ministry and prophecy towards Nineveh.  The Assyrians were the superpower at the time of the fall of the Northern Kingdom.  In fact, the Assyrians were the cause of the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.  They even made a charge on Jerusalem and it nearly fell to the Assyrians.
In spite of the role that Nineveh played in Israel's history, it is referred to as "the great city" in both Genesis 10:12 and Jonah 1:2.  What made it great?  In its day, Nineveh was one of the largest cities with some of the most impressive architecture.  But I believe that what really made it great was how God was going to show His mercy towards Nineveh.
God's mercy towards Nineveh demonstrates an Old Testament reality that is often overlooked.  Since the beginning of time, God wanted to show his mercy towards all people.  Nineveh was the epitome of evil as far as the Israelites were concerned.  But God was patient with Nineveh and reached out to it.  That patience began in Genesis and continued until the time of Jonah.
In the city today, there is much evil.  But God is patient.  God still wants to show his mercy towards all people.  God has placed us in the city to share his love and mercy towards the people for whom Jesus Christ died.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In the city to celebrate

Acts 2 tells us that, when Pentecost came, there were staying in Jerusalem, many God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.  These people came for a short time to celebrate one of their great holidays, the Feast of Weeks.  It came to be known as Pentecost because it was 50 days after the Passover festival. 

The people came to celebrate Pentecost like they always did.  They did not know that God was going to change the way this festival was going to be celebrated.  God waited until this moment because Jews came to Jerusalem to celebrate from every nation under heaven.  God waited until the people were in the city.

Interestingly, God did something incredible the last time that the Jews were in Jerusalem to celebrate a major feast, Passover. On the day before the Passover celebration, Jesus was crucified.  On the day after the Passover celebration, Jesus was resurrected.  The people either saw first hand or heard about the events that took place when Jesus died.  The earth quaked.  The curtain in the temple was torn in two.  Those who were dead left their tomb.  Then on the morning of the third day, the story started to circulate that Jesus was alive.  The tomb was empty.  There was no denying the empty tomb.  Passover that year was different and it has been ever since.

God is bringing many people to our cities.  Many of them are displaced Christians.  They come for their own purposes.  But God has his purposes too.  God wants them to celebrate His plan of salvation in their lives.  It took the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to embolden the apostles to proclaim the Gospel and begin to change the world.  The Holy Spirit continues to dwell in us today.  The Holy Spirit continues to work through us today.  People from every nation are coming to our doorsteps.  I pray that as the Lord works through our witness, they will celebrate God's grace and mercy in their lives.  They will celebrate how God has changed their lives.

St. Paul, PHX- ESL ministry

On going ministry need- from September through May, we have an English Class ministry.  We meet on Tuesdays for 2 hours 6-8.  We could use teachers, teacher aides, and child care volunteers.  Ideally, we will have another day of classes.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

God's Infiltration Plan- Acts 2:5-12

As Pentecost approaches, the above verses will be read in churches across the globe. At that time, the people were coming to Jerusalem because they wanted to celebrate Pentecost, also known as the Feast of Weeks (Deut. 16:9-12).  It was a harvest festival celebrated 50 days after the Passover.  The people who came to celebrate Pentecost would return to their homes and share what they had seen.
Similarly today, the nations are coming to us.  Granted they may be coming for completely different reasons, but the church is planted here already and equipped to share the Good News.  In God's foresight, churches have been placed where the people are coming.  The question is are we ready to share with them what God has done.
Every Tuesday we have an ESL class.  In this class, we have students from over fifteen different Mexican states.  We have students from six different countries.  When I was in Guatemala, I witnessed to the people around Zacapa.  But now, I can share the Gospel with our students and our students can tell their relatives in over fifteen different Mexican states and six different countries how they are experiencing the love of God and how God is working in their lives.  There may be some challenges with the people of different cultures and languages coming into our neighborhoods.  But God has placed us here so that they may know that Jesus is Lord.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

City on a hill

You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

Have you ever flown at night?  Many times I have flown to Guatemala City at night.  At first, we fly over the Gulf of Mexico.  As I look out the window, all I see is darkness.  As I fly over land, there are occasional flickers of light over small villages and towns.  As I approach Guatemala City, there is a burst of light and I know that I need to brace for arrival.

Jesus calls His people the light.  He also says that a city on a hill cannot be hidden.  For us in the city, that is true.  How many times do people you have never seen come knocking on your door?  They may ask for food.  They may ask for help with their utilities. They may ask for a bus ticket.  They may ask for gas money.  They may even ask for counseling.  I know that there I times that I get annoyed when they come.

Have you ever thought of another reason why they are coming?  God has brought them to you.  They are coming because you are the light of the world.  They are coming because you are the city on a hill.  They are coming because you have what they need the most.  You have the living water and the bread of life.  You have the light of the world.  You have the way, the truth, and the life.  You have the true treasure that neither rust nor moth can destroy.  You have the peace that passes all understanding. 

Praise God he has entrusted us with this ministry and has placed us where everyone can see us and to share God's light.